Although the World Health Organization (WHO) have produced a list of conditions for which acupuncture has been proved to be an effective treatment through controlled trials, each practitioner will have their own views on the efficacy of acupuncture for specific conditions.
As a practitioner of medical acupuncture, I offer treatment to young people and adults aged 16 and over to help the following common conditions:
Musculoskeletal conditions
Other painful conditions
Abdominal conditions
Non-painful conditions
Unfortunately, I don’t offer medical acupuncture for addiction, weight loss, or directly for infertility, but other practitioners may be able to discuss treatment for these conditions with you.
Many people use acupuncture for its relaxing, sedative, and anti-anxiety effects, whereas the treatment of chronic pain can also improve an individual’s comfort and consequently their mood. Taking this time to care for yourself as well as the ritualistic experience of the laying of hands has also been found to be beneficial to an individual’s well-being. Remember, you don’t need to be in pain before trying medical acupuncture!
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Acupuncture images by Shelley W Davies Photography
Yoga photography by Nicholas Ralph
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