"I have suffered from general headaches and severe migraines for many years, when I started going through the menopause these became more frequent. I started having acupuncture with Nia at Boda 8 weeks ago. I had an initial consultation, during which time Nia took detailed information with regard to my general health and more specifically the nature and frequency of my headaches. Nia also took time to explain the process involved in acupuncture and made me feel totally relaxed.
"Having acupuncture has decreased the frequency of my headaches significantly, I have been having weekly sessions which have now been extended to fortnightly.
"Nia always ensures that I am comfortable when having acupuncture and is available for follow up advice if required.
"The whole experience has been a positive one, I would certainly recommended acupuncture with Nia, it has certainly helped with my headaches, but also with my general wellbeing."
"I contacted Nia 8 weeks prior to my upcoming Ironman event due to a sudden flare up of my long standing ITB syndrome, which came on after around 7 miles of running. I had responded well to acupuncture on a shoulder injury in the past and so I was curious to try a course of treatment on my ITB.
"Nia's background as a medical doctor was invaluable, I had a thorough consultation with her beforehand, exploring various causes and treatment options for my injury and deciding on an appropriate plan leading up to my event. Nia was excellent; delivering meticulous acupuncture and adapting the treatment based on any changes I had felt throughout the course.
"As well as my ITB, Nia focussed the acupuncture around my glute, hip and knee areas, gradually increasing the duration and frequency of treatment. I was really pleased to see improvements after just one session and eventually I was able to run up to 15 miles without any irritation of my ITB.
"We continued with the treatment right up until 48hrs prior to the event and I was so pleased to be able to complete the Ironman and run a marathon without any limiting symptoms, which would have forced me to stop prior to having the acupuncture treatment."
"Cefais ddiagnosis llynedd o osteoarthritis datblygedig ar fy nghlun dde (yn ol canfyddiad pelydr-x). Penderfynais nad oeddwn eisiau cael clun newydd ar y pryd ond yn hytrach eisiau cymeryd ymagwedd holistig i'n iechyd corfforol a meddyliol i ac felly edrych mewn i therapiau cyflenwol ac amgen. Gydag ymchwil gofalgar fy merch, dyma hi'n dod o hyd i Nia ... bwcio gwers ioga yn Abergwili yn gyntaf ac yna triniaeth aciwbigo meddygol gan Nia. Roeddwn ychydig yn nerfus o fy mhrofiad cyntaf a aciwbigo ond mewn chwinciad roeddwn yn gwybod mod i mewn dwylo diogel! O'r ymweliad cyntaf, cewch groeso cynnes iawn gan Nia yn ei sied fach hyfryd yn yr ardd sydd yn le diogel, cynnes, cysurus ac unigryw i ymlacio ynddi.
"A'r drinieth ei hunan? Wel! mae fel rhyw fath o wyrth yn digwydd bob tro! ... oherwydd o fewn eiliadau o osod y nedwyddau dwi'n teimlo'r fflutiau bach o amgylch fy nghlun ac i lawr y goes at fy mhenglin ac yna i'n nhroed - fel bod y rhediad neu'r llif wedi ei rhyddhau! Mae'n deimlad o rhyddhad tensiwn a 'feel-good' yn wir, ac mae unrhyw anesmwythder neu boen yn diflannu. Mae Nia hefyd wedi gwaredu a 'stiff neck' oedd gynai gyda'r drinieth aciwbigo meddygol!
"Mae Nia yn berson hyfryd, cwrtais, parchus ac yn drylwyr a phroffesiynol! Mae ganddi ystod helaeth o wybodaeth eang iawn a'r sgyrsiau mor wybodus a ddiddorol bob amser! Mae'r driniaeth aciwbigo meddygol yn fy helpu yn gorfforol ac yn feddyliol i ddelio gyda fy nghyflwr heb os nac oni bai."
"I was delighted when I saw Nia's advertisement for acupuncture as I had been thinking about trying acupuncture for some time.
"Nia is a very caring and knowledgeable person. She is a true professional and has helped me through a difficult period. I instantly felt at ease with Nia."
"When I contacted Nia for acupuncture I was in a very stressed out place and was at my last resort before giving up. I had so much going on as well as having to manage chronic pain from my endometriosis, hip and knee.
"I’ve had 2 sessions so far with Nia and feel mentally lighter after the sessions and have experienced more freedom and movement in my hip - it’s definitely moving in a positive direction and can’t wait to see the results after my full course of treatment.
"Diolch yn fawr Nia for your knowledge, patience, and treatment"
Copyright © 2022 BODA - All Rights Reserved.
Acupuncture images by Shelley W Davies Photography
Yoga photography by Nicholas Ralph
Links at https://linktr.ee/niaboda