Slow Flow: A mix of slow and restful Hatha and Yin yoga styles with minimal Vinyasa flows to begin the week in a measured and mindful way.
Pwyllo: Dosbarthiadau ymlaciedig sy'n gymysgedd o ioga Hatha ac Yin tawel gyda llifiadau araf, i gychwyn yr wythnos mewn ffordd bwyllog a meddylgar.
The Community Hall / Y Neuadd Gymunedol
Peniel Community School /
Ysgol Gymunedol Peniel
Carmarthenshire / Sir Gaerfyrddin
SA32 7AB
Payable by PayPal with an account or credit card details. Refunds for cancellations provided up until 48 hrs before class - no refunds otherwise // Yn daladwy drwy PayPal â chyfrif neu drwy fewnbynnu manylion eich cerdyn credyd. Dyw hi ddim yn bosib i'ch ad-dalu os yr ydych yn canslo llai na 48 awr cyn eich dosbarth.
The Community Hall, Peniel Community School, SA32 7AB
Free parking with disabled spaces - you may use the small car park opposite the school's back gates.
On Mondays, could you please refrain from parking in the school's staff car park around the back of the school, accessed through large green gates, as there may be children about. May I also request that you do not park on the road so it can be clear for farm traffic and to be courteous towards residents. Feel free to use the disabled spaces within the staff car park if you are a blue badge holder.
The hall is accessed directly from the staff car park via the glass door with yellow handles in the centre of the photo above. There is no need to enter through the school's main entrance.
There is space for 10 students per class and advance booking is essential due to limited space.
Y Neuadd Gymunedol, Ysgol Gymunedol Peniel, SA32 7AB
Parcio am ddim gyda llefydd anabl - a wnewch chi barcio yn y maes parcio bach gyferbyn â gatiau cefn yr ysgol.
Ar fore Llun, a fyddwch more garedig a pheidio a defnyddio maes parcio staff yr ysgol sydd y tu ôl i'r adeilad drwy gatiau mawr gwyrdd, os gwelwch chi'n dda, rhag ofn bod plant yn bresennol. Peidiwch hefyd parcio ar yr heol er mwyn cadw'r ffordd yn glir i gerbydau fferm ac i fod yn gwrtais i drigolion yr ardal. Os oes gennych fathodyn glas, mae yna ddau le parcio anabl ar dop maes parcio'r staff i chi eu defnyddio.
Medrwch gyrraedd y neuadd o faes parcio'r staff drwy'r drws gwydr â dolenni melyn sydd yng nghanol y llun uchod. Does dim angen defnyddio brif fynedfa yr ysgol.
Dim ond lle i 10 sydd ym mhob dosbarth felly mae bwcio ymlaen llaw yn angenrheidiol oherwydd bod y lle'n gyfyngiedig.
Diolch yn fawr
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Acupuncture images by Shelley W Davies Photography
Yoga photography by Nicholas Ralph
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